Have your property asset data in one place and make your daily work simpler with Assetti's easy-to-use functions. Check your properties' and portfolios' status anytime, on any device.
Assetti provides you the best practices to unify and standardize your income, cost, and rent roll reporting. Consolidate your rent rolls from your existing systems through integrations and stay up-to-date on your units and lease agreements with our simple filtering functions. Assetti suits your needs, from national and multinational asset management to private equity.
Assetti gives a clear and concise view to individual assets and their asset data. We call it “a view to your assets”. Same applies to portfolios. Have as many portfolios as you wish as well as types of SPVs - whether holding companies or MRECs or any other legal entity, like business units or country organisations. Assetti caters for your specific needs and unique set-up of the real estate portfolio.
Combine your financial data from multiple sources to one place and see your property's financial performance as visual representation. Whether you have diverse or mixed-asset portfolios, Assetti transforms your portfolio data to an understandable form and enables easier reporting. Control and maximize your yield with ease!
Manage your capital expenditures and plan future repairs in one place. By giving access to your important stakeholders, you can be sure they get the same updated insights to your long term plans and potential investment needs. No need to send emails and share spreadsheets back and forth - do all of this with Assetti.
Centralize your asset data, simplify reporting, and manage your portfolio from anywhere, on any device. With Assetti, you can seamlessly consolidate rent roll and financials, plan for future, and keep stakeholders aligned.